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Marketing to the value-driven consumer starter pack

Your journey to success starts with this handy planning kit. Get access to our most sought-after affiliate program e-books and worksheets. 

Download free starter pack

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Here's what's included in the starter pack

Download free starter pack

Want to maximize results from your affiliate program?

Book a strategy session with a partnership expert

With the starter pack, you'll:

Discover how consumers' expectations are shifting, and which affinities and values are driving behavior

Learn different methods to measure the success of your affiliate partnerships

Find different strategies to re-establish trust with your consumers

Plan how to recruit new affiliate partnerships effectively


Is it really free to download the Marketing to the value-driven consumer starter pack?

Yes, the starter pack is free to download! At, we want everyone in the partnerships community to succeed. You want to improve your partnerships and grow your business; we want to help you get there.

How long are these worksheets?

The worksheets are between one to four pages. Feel free to go back to these worksheets and work on them as many times as you'd like. Conquer starting and managing your affiliate partnerships on a schedule that fits your pace. 

Should I use these worksheets with potential and existing clients? 

Yes! If you are a brand, you can use these worksheets on your own. If you are an agency, you can use these during a collaborative brainstorming session with clients. See how far you can go when you get insights into your partners’ goals and objectives. When you learn together as a team, you achieve the best results.

When consumer trust is gone— now how do you survive?  

Two (2) step-by-step ebooks

How an affiliate partnership program works— from first click to payout

Four (4) worksheets to guide you in shaping and managing your affiliate program

How to identify your affiliate program goals

How to find the right partner mix for your affiliate program

How to analyze competing affiliate programs

How to recruit and engage affiiliate marketing partners

Book a strategy session